Movement classes are based around developing physical intelligence and better internal awareness and sensations of the body. This is done through a variety of approaches but can be categorised into Tactical work, Improvisation, Object Manipulation, Somatics and Environmental.

Physical Preparedness - In order to be able to move well, we need to prepare the body.

Strength - We need to develop a certain amount of strength in the upper and lower body. We generally do this using a gymnastics approach to Bodyweight training. Gymnasts tend to have the strongest upper bodies in the world of fitness so it makes sense to follow in their approach to developing upper body strength. The approach to the gymnastics strength work is tailored towards adults vs young children.

Mobility - Mobility is the best of both worlds, its a combination of flexibility and strength combined. We want to open up the body, but some practices such as Yoga are commonly used to open the body and will improve the range of motion, but if we are not strong in that end range of motion, the range that we have developed won’t have much use in the practice. So its important to apply what we refer to as loaded progressive stretching, where the body is placed under load in stretched positions, as a result we are developing strength in these positions that can later be utilised in a movement related scenario.

Hand balancing - Learning to perform a handstand is a basic requirement in the practice if the practitioner wishes to move into more advanced inversions such as basic soft acrobatics. Achieving a handstand also demonstrates that a student is able to follow a process.

Tactical - Using ideas, concepts and games from the world or martial arts world, we aim to develop things such as footwork, reaction drills, coordination work and tactical thinking and strategies, which are then implemented into a variety of games providing an opportunity for the students to test and apply their skills and knowledge.

Improvisation - Exploring through a more expressive lens, learning how to segment various parts of the body in order to be able to organise ourselves freely whilst in motion.